Here is a link to a great educational guide about Monarch Butterflies:
What the Hell (WTH) is a common phrase used in “frustration”. We all have WTH moments. This short blog is about a transition from WTH to WTF to Now What to You Got This . It was a typical Sunday morning at the tail end of January. I got up around 4 am, finished a few updates to a training course, then my oldest son and I headed out the door for our tennis lesson. We left a bit early because of ice on the road. On the way, I felt the compelling urge to explain how to drive on ice. This interrupted his earbud music playing on the passenger side, that is never good. Our conversation turned into a debate, “Mom, I know physics.”. We arrived at the court and started our warm up. I was on the add side and Jake was on the deuce side. We were sharing the indoor court for our lessons. I remembered feeling pretty good about my timing and how easily the ball was going over. Then I went for one of my favorite s...
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